seeed studio - reComputer J1020
A small NVIDIA Jetson Nano box, with a powerful carrier board
A small NVIDIA Jetson Nano box, with a powerful carrier board
The amazing Jetson Nano 2Gb. A new revolution is on the air!
NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX is the newest addition to the Jetson platform, delivering high performance in a very small form factor and power envelope, and it is ...
My first impression with the new NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX! More power and comparison with Jetson Nano
e-consystems e-CAM30_CUNANO. How it is works with NVIDIA Jetson Nano
ZED Stereocamera. How it is works with NVIDIA Jetson Nano
After two weeks and say bye to my lab in Rome I change to my new city, Milan. In this video we see in action the NVIDIA Jetson Nano in action, the power con...
In this video an introduction and NVIDIA Jetson Nano unboxing. Comparison between the other NVIDIA Jetson board, Raspberry Pi and the BeagleBone Black.
Jetson AGX Xavier specifications and comparison with other boards
The e-CAM31_TX2 - 3.4 MP Autofocus liquid lens Camera from e-con Systems is born for the NVIDIA Jetson TX1/TX2. You can test this camera with the included Je...
A full review of the NVIDIA Jetson TX2. The first feeling with the new embedded board built from NVIDIA, the successor of Jetson TX1.
The Jetson TX1 is a new board in NVIDIA embedded board family. This new board has new performance oriented for robotics application, drones, and other. In fa...