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Let me present!
I’m Raffaello Bonghi an 🇮🇹 Italian enthusiastic 🤖 robotics engineer, born in the eternal city of 🛵 Rome and now I’m living in 🇬🇧 England.
I studied systems automation and design and mobile platform implementation at the Sapienza University of Rome and Universite Paris-Sud (where I made my PhD). But my passion for robots stems from my teens. I’d take apart everything, including the family TV, to see how things worked. Studying Greek and Latin by day (In Italy you can choose “Classic” studies) and electronics at night soon I built robots and entered competitions.
For a youth robotics club, I created a minisumo robot (Dark-Blade was my last one) with wheels to do battle in contests, similar to sumo wrestling events. Robots spot their enemy and fight, and his minisumo won.
As my robot-building skills developed and my university studies were enhancement me, I sought out to share all my knowledge online, making new robots such as:
During my last years I made open-source projects, below the most popular:
Below my professional 💼 Experience, 👨🎓 Education, 🏆 Awards and my Volunteering.
For my full resume watch my profile on LinkedIn
2021 Mar - NOW - NVIDIA
Website: NVIDIA
Location: Remote
2022 Apr - NOW - Technical Marketing Engineer - AI & Robotics
Technical support for companies, marketing and new NVIDIA products on robotics & AI
- Support the Developer community to use Isaac ROS packages
- Managing and active support all developers on the NVIDIA Isaac ROS forum
- Managin and drive the NVIDIA Isaac ROS Office Hours
- NVIDIA Developer blog posts
- Developing webinar for NVIDIA Isaac ROS and Isaac SIM
- Be an Isaac ROS DevOps Hero with Containerized Development
- Pinpoint, 250 fps, ROS 2 Localization with vSLAM on Jetson
- The NVIDIA Isaac Platform for the Robotics Industry
- Migrating ROS-Based robot simulations from Ignition Gazebo to NVIDIA Isaac SIM
2021 Mar - 2022 Apr - Developer Relations Manager - AI & Robotics
- I worked with many start-ups in EMEA and USA, supporting from technical and business aspects
- Testing new capabilities on Isaac ROS
2019 Sep - 2021 Mar - ARM - AI Technology Engineer
Website: ARM
Location: Manchester, UK
- Use and make new models for Monocular Depth Estimation (MDE)
- 3D localization using different technologies (Active and Passive Stereocameras, cams, lidars)
2017 Mar -2019 Sep - NTT Data Italia
Website: NTT Data Italia
2018 Oct - 2019 Sep - AI Engineer
Location: Milan, Italy
Design a crawler to autonomous recognize technologies from text in Social media and Websites
- Use and Train NLP or NER to recognize sentences from text
- Develop on Docker a service environment
2017 Sep - 2018 Sep - Robotics engineer
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Center of excellence project for connected vehicles robotics and AI
- Design and setup autonomous vehicles
- ROS integration and application with Autoware
- Develop robotic services in automotive environments
2017 Mar - 2017 Sep - IoT and Robotics Engineer
Location: Rome, Italy for DICT laboratory for ENEL SpA
- IoT research and scouting products in domestic and industrial environments
- IoT analysis and design for new products
- Control theory and cost optimization
2012-2016 - PhD in Automation
University of Rome “La Sapienza” - Italy & L2S, Supélec, Université Paris Sud XI - France
Thesis: Non linear sampled-data for mobile robotics
Italian tutor: Prof. Salvatore Monaco, DIAG, Sapienza
French tutor: Prof. Dorothee Normand-Cyrot L2S, Supélec
Download: RaffaelloBonghi-PhDThesis.pdf
2009-2012 - MSc in System and Control Engineering
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Thesis: An autonomous mobile platform in an “Augmented reality” environment
Tutor: Prof. Salvatore Monaco, DIAG, La Sapienza
Score: 110 cum laude/110
Download: RaffaelloBonghi-MasterThesis.pdf
2006-2009 - BSc in Automation and System Engineering
University of Rome, “La Sapienza”
Thesis: Design and Realization of an autonomous mobile platform
Tutor: Prof. Salvatore Monaco, DIAG, La Sapienza
Score: 107/110
Download: RaffaelloBonghi-BachelorThesis.pdf
In this section the latest awards I received, for a full list open the 🏆 award page.
nanosaur is Best ROS robot 2022
nanosaur is Best ROS robot 2022 awarded from the ROS developers community
nanosaur finalist on Best ROS robot 2022
nanosaur finalist on Best ROS robot 2022
Finalist Best ROS developer 2022
I am finalist for Best ROS developer 2022
Ph.D. in Automation and Operation Research
Non linear sampled - data control for mobile robotics
NVIDIA Jetson Champs
Offers inventive solutions to engineering problems using NVIDIA Jetson
Co-Founder -
- Date: 2021 - NOW
- Website: pizzarobotics.org
We are Italian Makers. We make Robots. In Pizza we crust
Collective of professionals and high-level enthusiasts roboticist.
Co-Founder & Vice president - Officine Robotiche
- Date: 2015 - 2021
- Website: officinerobotiche.it
Officine Robotiche is a No-Profit Association promoting knowledge in the area of robotics, new technologies, and digital manufacturing.
Member of IEEE
- Date: 2008 - NOW
- Website: ieee.org
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is a 501 professional association for electronic engineering.
Founder minisumo.net
- Date: 2003 - NOW
- Website: minisumo.net
Official Italian website for minisumo and sumo competitions
Founder Soloingegneria.com
- Date: 2006 - 2012
- Website: soloingegneria.com (discontinued)
Founder of the unofficial informatics and control theory engineers forum for Sapienza university of Rome