How is it worksΒΆ
jtop is a power monitor that uses a service and a Python client library.

Like the image above, when jtop service start, load and decode the information on your board.
Read NVIDIA Jetson EEPROM to detect which NVIDIA Jetson is running
decode jetson_clocks to know if is running and which engines are involved when it starts.
decode the NVPmodel to know which model is selected
Open the
socket and wait for a jtop client connection
When jtop is running read all status from your current board and share all this data to all jtop python connections.
Read and estimate the CPU utilization from
Read status from all devices in
Read and decode memory status from
Decode and read the status from all swaps using
commandCheck status from jetson_clocks
Check which nvpmodel is running
jtop uses a service to share the data between client (jtop gui or your Python script) and a server.
This service, called jtop.service
use a socket file. It is located in:
This socket is protected by access mode: 660 equivalent to srw-rw----
and by the group.
Only other users in jtop
group have access to this socket